15 Mar New This Year! Businesses, Corporations Can Compete to Get Up & Give.
After a few years of shaking off the COVID-19 pandemic, Methodist Family Health Foundation’s Get Up & Give Lenten Collection Project is back and better than ever. New this year is a way for businesses and corporations to compete for the most necessities raised – all to benefit the Arkansas children and families in our care who are abandoned, abused, neglected and struggling with psychiatric, behavioral, emotional and spiritual issues.
Any organization in central Arkansas and beyond can participate by collecting items and providing dignity to the thousands of children, teens and families in Arkansas.
We are so grateful and proud to count Crye-Leike Realtors Maumelle Branch, First Community Bank, The Property Group in Little Rock and Staley Electric as our new partners. Because of the commitment of these partners, Methodist Family Health will be able to reach their employees, vendors and customers and raise awareness of our mission to provide the best possible care to those who may need our help. Stay tuned for more announcements of business and corporate Get Up & Give partners.
Join Us Anytime!
Any business in Arkansas can join in this good-natured competition. Methodist Family Health will provide the bins for your organization to collect donations as well as brochures, receipts and flyers to raise awareness. First, second and third place awards will be awarded to the business that raises the most in funding/in-kind donations.
Methodist Family Health will pick up the donations at a scheduled time convenient for your organization, and we’ll post photos to our social media and share in our communications. For a complete look at how to participate, download the Get Up & Give Business Packet.
If your business, corporation or organization is interested in participating, contact Bec Dwyer-Coop, director of development for Methodist Family Health Foundation, at BDwyer-Coop@MethodistFamily.org or call 501-906-4202.
Thank you for demonstrating the generosity of Arkansas businesses and their outstanding employees who share their willingness to provide a healthy, dignified and happy future for Arkansas children and families in the care of Methodist Family Health.